比特币投资公司 OneCoin 收割中国人和其它国民40多亿美元。某日,40岁的女创始人,保加利亚的Rula Ignatova 怀疑男友不忠,于是派人刺探,结果发现他原来正在为FBI 做内线。她数周后失踪,引发一长串奇案。华尔街日报报道。节选如下。
OneCoin took in Billions. Then Its Leader Vanished.
Federal prosecutors allege Ruja Ignatova, known as the Cryptoqueen, sold the promise of riches—but was really running a pyramid scheme.
WSJ. by James Marson. 27 August 2020.
Ruja Ignatova whose OneCoin raked in billions, suspected her boyfriend of stringing her along in late 2017, her brother later testified in federal court. So, he said, she had an associate rent an apartment beneath the boyfriend’s Florida digs and drill through the floor to eavesdrop.
What she discovered was another kind of betrayal: that he was cooperating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Weeks later Ms. Ignatova, known among her fans as the Cryptoqueen, disappeared. Federal prosecutors in New York have charged her with fraud.
The story of OneCoin stands out even among the outlandish capers of the cryptocurrency era. The Justice Department said OneCoin accounts show it took in some $4 billion from the fourth quarter of 2014 to the third quarter of 2016, sucking in investors from Africa to the U.S., Venezuela to China.
Today, Ms. Ignatova is nowhere to be found. Her OneCoin co-founder, Sebastian Greenwood, is in a U.S. jail awaiting trial on fraud charges, and Mark Scott, a lawyer who worked for OneCoin, has been convicted in federal court of laundering $400 million. Her brother, Konstantin Ignatov, who became OneCoin’s public face after she vanished, is in U.S. custody after striking a deal to plead guilty to fraud and other charges. He’s awaiting sentencing this fall. A lawyer for Mr. Ignatov didn’t respond to requests for